What if Thousands of Us
Ran for Local Office
on Climate?

If thousands of us run on 100% clean energy locally, we can beat back fossil fuels.

Gridlock in Congress. Geopolitical fights for fossil fuels. We’re sick of it all.

This summer we’re excited to come together with partners to train thousands of climate leaders to run for state and local office on bold climate plans that stand up to fossil fuels and build the Green New Deal from the grassroots up.

Local elections provide some of the best opportunities to fight for climate action. We can fight fossil fuels and move to 100% clean energy, advocate for free public transportation, and implement innovative solutions for our communities.

Save Mother Earth

We’re holding a six-part training for possible candidates, staff, and supporters.

If you’re considering running for office, already have your plans in place, hope to support or staff a climate candidate’s campaign, or are just figuring out how to engage with the upcoming elections – we want you to apply! During the trainings, we’ll hold sessions on:

  • Building your base and setting up your get-out-the-vote strategy
  • Building a volunteer-driven campaign
  • Fundraising, social media, campaign tech, and much more!

Run for Climate 2024 Training – Sign Up or Nominate a Friend

When: Every Tuesday and Thursday from June 11th-27th from 6-8pm ET.
Where: Anywhere! Completely online!
Cost: Completely free Apply here